Custom Red Bauer Supreme 1S Skates

Did you ever think you would see a pair of custom red Bauer Supreme 1S skates?

This elite pair of skates looks to have been custom designed through Bauer to include a red overlay throughout much of the boot. Maybe it’s photoshopped, or maybe it was done special for a high paying customer. Either way, these custom red Bauer Supreme 1S skates will have people talking.

What do you guys think of the red look on these skates? Do you give it a pass or fail? It’s a bit loud for my tastes, but I could see Alex Ovechkin doing something like this for a big international tournament such as the World Cup. He hasn’t been afraid of adding red to his custom skates in the past.

A big thanks to our readers for sending in these great pieces of new and custom hockey gear. Visit our contact page to shoot me an email if you want to submit some new or custom gear for us to see!

Custom Red Bauer Supreme 1S Skates


  1. wow, it’s really a “cheap” photoshop. somebody just used a brush too to paint it. so bad and total fake lol.

  2. Yeah this is a horrible Photoshop job. You can tell it was because of the red smear in the top right corner and everything in the picture up there is black and white….

  3. Sure you did Carter. I wonder if they accidentally rubbed red on the footbed too? C’mon now

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