Tucked away in a 100 year old building’s basement, the heads of Hockey World Blog will be meeting to discuss the future of the site. With beers in one hand, a pen in the other to jot down notes, HWB is looking to improve for the upcoming NHL season.
Sure, 4 heads are better than one, but you the readers have a say as well on what you would like to read. So readers, we ask for your voice, send us an email, respond to the post or use whatever form of communication you see fit that does not border stalker, and let us know what you want more of, less of or any other ideas you have so we can better serve you the reader.
Chris: Chris@hockeyworldblog.com
EB: EB@hockeyworldblog.com
Eddie: Eddie@hockeyworldblog.com
Matt: Matt@hockeyworldblog.com