News is circulating that recently suspended Alex Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals is choosing to pass on this year’s All Star game in Ottawa, Ontario.
Washington Capitals’ General Manager George McPhee commented on the choice, saying, “He really doesn’t feel like he deserves to be there and doesn’t want to be a distraction. When he came in this morning, he said, ‘I’m a suspended player and I don’t deserve to be there.'”
The choice by Ovechkin will come under scrutiny, be it that he is somewhat protesting his suspension or that he truthfully feels that he is not deserving. It’s tough to argue that he is intentionally sticking it to the NHL for his suspension, but, the timing is not perfect. Still, being a fan favorite of most, he should get the benefit of the doubt that his decision is in earnest.
Fans will and should be disappointed in the decision. Ovechkin, although struggling this year in comparison to his normal pace, is still one of the elite athletes of the NHL. Not only is his skill one to be in awe of, his playful, love of the game will be missed in the skills competition.
Part of me feels this decision will be revoked. What are your thoughts?