The Detroit Red Wings have officially put to rest any rumors of Pavel Datsyuk heading back to Russia after next season. Today, the team announced that they have agreed to terms on a three-year contract extension for Datsyuk worth $23 million. While the paperwork cannot be registered with the NHL until free agency begins on July 5th, the two sides have signed the paperwork to complete the extension.
Datsyuk currently has one year remaining on his seven-year contract which paid him $6.7 million per season. His new contract will offer the star center $10 million the first year, followed by $7.5 million in 2015-16, and $5.5 million in 2016-17.
The Magic Man himself took to twitter earlier today to announce the signing to his fans. This will certainly bring relief to many around the Detroit area, even Red Wings teammates, as they are now assured Datsyuk will be around as the Red Wings transition to the Eastern conference.
Signed 3 yr. extension. Detroit, glad to be here for 4 more yrs.Thanks to our fans, friends and Ilitch family @DetroitRedWings @danmilstein
— Pavel Datsyuk (@Datsyuk13) June 18, 2013
Datsyuk lead the Red Wings in points during the lockout shortened 2013 season. His 15 goals and 49 points lead the time, as did his plus 21 rating. Datsyuk also scored a few clutch goals during the playoffs, and in 14 playoff games was tied for third highest on the team with 9 points.