Most hockey fans celebrate their team winning the Stanley Cup with a few beers, maybe buy some memorabilia or get to a couple autograph signings during the offseason. But this farm in Illinois took things to a whole new level.
The Richardson Adventure Farm in Springs Grove, Ill., claims to house the world’s largest and most intricate corn maze. The farm announced earlier this week they would honor the Blackhawks and their Stanley Cup championship with a new corn maze design.
“We’re all kind of celebrating the Blackhawks having been the shiny star around Chicago for the last several years,” said Robert Richardson, who is an owner along with other family members. “If any team is going to do well, the Blackhawks have done terrifically the last few years. We’re going to help celebrate that. We want to extend the feeling a little longer than the past playoffs and looking to start up a new season in October.”
The family had initially planned to do an Alice in Wonderland-themed maze but changed plans following Chicago’s win.