There was a controversial hit during Thursday’s game between Dallas and New York that saw Cody Eakin lay a hit on Henrik Lundqvist as the New York goaltender went to play the puck behind the net.
As you can see above, it was a vicious hit that wasn’t necessary in an attempt to play the puck. Although the goaltender may be out of his crease, he is not “fair game” and Eakin was assessed a major and a game misconduct penalty. Eakin squared his shoulder towards the head of Lundqvist and simply leveled him to the ice.
Eakin will now sit four games, missing an estimated $85,555.56 in lost salary. The money he lost is going to the Players’ Emergency Assistance Fund per the CBA.
In the NHL’s explanation, Eakin made no reasonable effort to avoided contact. He simply saw a vulnerable goalie and decided to plow right through him. They took into account Lundqvist’ condition (no further injury and he returned to the game) and that this was the first time Eakin got in any trouble with the league.
What are your thoughts on the hit? Was his suspension too light? Too severe?