Warrior Hockey recently unveiled their new Warrior Krown 360 helmet at the Let’s Play Hockey Expo in Las Vegas. Last month we brought you a picture of the Warrior Koretex helmet, but we have not heard much about it since. It appears the Koretex may have just been a prototype name. The Warrior Krown 360, however is the helmet we can definitely expect to hit retail stores in the not too distant future. What makes the Krown 360 helmet unique is it’s ability to further customize the fit to your head shape. Most helmets allow for adjustments to the length of the helmet, but the Warrior Krown 360 will allow you to adjust the width as well.
Most hockey pundits sounding off about the Krown 360 are not very pleased with its aesthetic appeal. Swagger has become an important factor for Warrior Hockey, and while players will pick up the new helmet simply because it is a Warrior product, others will opt for a more traditional looking helmet. Keep in mind, however, that the most important job for a helmet is to protect your melon. If Warrior has made any dramatic improvements in head protection, this may be a good pick up for players with a history of concussion.
Take a look at the new Warrior Krown 360 helmet below and let us know what you think!
Hard to tell from the front as it justr shows the Warrior logo. Do you have side shots? Warrior does have a repiutation for thinking outside of the box though.
best helmet ever I bought one in red
What makes it the best?
need a picture in gold , anyonenhaveone?