Update: These skates are actually the new Bauer Vapor APX 2 skates, which you can read more about here!
The Bauer boys are currently at the Bauer Pro Camp and have the opportunity to test out some of the latest Bauer gear on the ice. In one picture posted yesterday by Bauer, you could see several of the Total One NXG sticks in the background – along with some APX and Nexus sticks.
Today, however, we’re seeing a little more. In fact, Tyler Seguin tweeted the picture below to his follows which shows Patrick Kane getting all set up. If you look closely though, you’ll see that Kane appears to be wearing the new Bauer Vapor skates due to come out in Spring 2013. The new 2013 Vapor skates will replace the APX skates, but we do not currently have a name for them. The new Vapor skates look great though, and appear darker with less red than the APX skates.
Take a look at Seguin’s photo below and let us know your thoughts on Bauer’s new 2013 Vapor skate. Thanks to Seguin for the photo, and HWB fan Joe for pointing it out to us.

does kane really need help putting his socks on the wrong way…………..
looks like U+ crazy light
All nexus 1000 protective gear????
Why would he not dress in all APX? Strange….
Very few guys in the NHL will wear gear all in the same line. Many players skate one thing, then the rest of the gear is something totally different. Giroux, for example, skates on vapor, but uses CCM shoulders.
just regular steel on em it looks
Does Kaner really need help getting dressed? Yeesh.
looks like patty is stoned….forgot to put on sox eh!
they look like the x:60 limited editions
yeah do have X60 limited editions color way,but with charcoal grey in them..
Ok so i did some talking to my dad he has gotten me some better pictures becauese he was there he told be they are a blacked out vesion of the apx but they will replace the apx
I see a reakt helmet on the bench
I see a reakt helmet on the bench. Looks like it might be tricky to get those socks over those fancy new skates hes got there
Looks nasty
Hey guys remember the first pic of the apx tyler sagan was wear them they look like the x60 skates but with that sick chrome v on the tendon gaurd these might be the same thing
I bet they are the apx limited edition skates. If you think about it, the apxs have been out for a year, and lines stay up for two years and release a limited edition half way through.
new graphic package? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151871412568797&set=a.103260608796.94251.47297078796&type=1&theater
@EricB, almost none of the pros actually wear APX or T1 protective gear. Most of them want the least intrusive gear possible and that is the new Nexus. I would say Kane is in the minority even having new gear, alot of guys wear stuff from high school
Roller hockey version apx ……..I think Bauer should of had a le version that looked like those
I´m not sure but seems like blades holster ( not sure what it realy is) isn´t LS2 anymore. Holes look little bit more square shaped – might be just because of shadows etc.
they are just x60 kane wheres them once in a while they are identical to a pic of x60
this right here is all Kane is wearing. not a new line of Vapors. Bauer may very well still release a new line in the spring, but this is not a new picture of them
to bad they arent the x60’s at all, they are actually the new apx 2 skates release date april 2013, give em a look https://hockeyworldblog.com/2012/10/17/bauer-vapor-apx-2-skates/
ive always been curious what pants does patrick kane use?