Earlier this fall, Hockey World Blog and BASE Hockey teamed up to present the Ronning Cu
p. The Ronning Cup consisted of a challenge where players had the chance to shoot 27 pucks at a target 27 feet away. Many entered for the chance to challenge and beat former NHL player and BASE Hockey creator Cliff Ronning.
Many entered, but no one was able to beat Ronning. The video submissions that had the chance to take on Ronning were from Andrew Pitters and Paul Brownie. Each recorded a 16/27 score but were beat by Ronning’s 18/27 score.
The contest will resume in the winter, so stay tuned to Hockey World Blog for announcements regarding the next contest. In the meantime, check out the video submissions below from the three finalists.
1. Cliff Ronning (18/27)
2. Andrew Pitters (16/27)
3. Paul Brownie (16/27)
Why don’t u guys make a contest with any brand stick I don’t own a base stick so that’s why I did not enter
Thanks for the suggestion. I passed it onto my contact at BASE Hockey for consideration in their next contest.