CCM RBZ Superfast Stick

Update: The new CCM RBZ Superfast Stick is now available for pre-order! Click here to pre-order your RBZ Superfast stick today!

The next iteration of the CCM RBZ stick is coming. In fact, beginning tonight, you will start to see NHL players using the CCM RBZ Superfast stick in game action.

The CCM RBZ Superfast is now the third RBZ stick to come from CCM. While the first two were primarily white, the RBZ Superfast takes on a whole new look. You’ll notice in the photo below, the RBZ Superfast has a red blade but then transitions from red to black as you go up the shaft. The top of the stick is black, but still maintains some nice red and white accents throughout.

The big change to the new CCM RBZ Superast stick will be the modified blade. On the original RBZ, CCM used Speed Channels, and later modified them more to become Freak Channels on the Stage 2. Now, after further modification, the CCM RBZ Superfast stick will utilize what they are calling the Speed Pocket.

The Speed Pocket technology has come over from Taylor Made, so some of you golfers out there might be familiar with it already. This technology is going to help create a wider speed channel to provide 50% more C.O.R. than on the Stage 2 stick. In plain terms, you’re going to get the fastest shot from a stick CCM has ever made.

Coming in at approximately 430 grams, the CCM RBZ Superfast will not be the lightest stick on the market, but it’s very competitive with other offerings.

The CCM RBZ Superfast stick will be headed to retail stores this August. So if you were an RBZ or Stage 2 fan, start saving your pennies up for this guy.

Check out the CCM RBZ Superfast stick below and drop us a note in the comments with your thoughts. Will you pick up the RBZ Superfast when it’s released? Or do you have your eyes on another twig. Let us know!

CCM RBZ Superfast Stick


  1. Nazem kadri and morgan rielly are using this right now against detroit, but the graphics look different at the bottom

    • Players do have the option of slightly customizing the stick. I have seen many players that have the Stage 2 (RBZ) and they spray painted the bottom completely black (where it is normally white). Its all up to personal preference. I havent personally seen the stick on tv yet but possibly the players still like having that white bottom and white spray paint could be used.

    • A few guys on the Blackhawks are using an all red CCM stick. Is it the same one that is being detailed here?

  2. *Off topic from the RBZ* Can anybody tell me what the deal is with JVR’s totalone, is it just simply the bottom of the shaft is painted grey or is something more going on there?

  3. Well, it is possibly the ugliest stick ever. I am really disappointed. Though I might give it a try just because I love my stage 2. I can’t stand the red blade though. Gonna be a decision between MX3 or this. What do u think?

  4. I am getting one! I’ll probably spray paint the lower part of stick and the tape job should cover the red blade. Thumbs down on color scheme, but their stage 2 was good, hopefully this is as good or better

  5. Waiting to see what this stick feels like, the 2 predecessors have no feel; awesome for slapshots, but horrible for stick handling and receiving passes. Easton still makes the best sticks. That’s my 2cents

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