Blue Ice Nano Pro Hockey Stick Review 2

I have had the opportunity now to play with the Blue Ice Nano Pro for a few weeks now, gaining not only a feel for the stick, but the ability to put it to the test. Here is my second review on the Blue Ice Nano Pro.

(If you missed my first review, check it out here)

Stick: Blue Ice Nano Pro

Weight: Unknown. Not too heavy, not too light.

Curve/Lie: P.1 heel to toe curve

Flex: 100

Price: $105 US dollar


The stick is holding up well. I’ve had sticks in the past where you purchase them, and a little while after all the graphics are torn to pieces, leaving you with a Frankenstein looking stick. The stick has taken a decent amount of beating, blocked pucks and a lot of slashes. There are a few chips, which is to be expected, but nothing that leaves you upset.


I continue to be impressed with the feel of the stick. It is beginning to feel like an extension of my arm. I cut it down about an inch or two, and it seems to really of made a difference for me.

I am used to the blade now, able to pick corners as I please. My wrist shots have become harder, and with a shaft that is solid and has not loss any flex, I am able to lean into the shot to load it up.

I still do not take many slap shots, but when I do, they seem to have some heat on them. Just the other day I took a slap shot where the defender stood in front of it, grazed him as it whizzed by. As the puck was leaving the zone, I overheard the goalie checking up on him, to his response that it just nicked him and that he was OK. He did not try to block anymore of my shots after that point.

In addition to the power still very much being there, once I cut down the stick to size, I am able to get my slap shots up easier. Before hand I wasn’t really able to get it above knee high, and at times I would even push it left (right handed shot). Now I find myself able to pick corners, all of them, not just the lower ones.

I think one of the best things I like about this stick is really the overall feel of it. I mentioned that it feels like an extension of my arm, and I cannot stress that enough. This has allowed me to improve my stick-handling capabilities and has given me some confidence to try some new stuff. I have never been really flashy, although a blind squirrel does find a nut every now and then, but I am much more confident trying to stick handle through a few guys instead of my typical, power around the outside while protecting the puck.


I mentioned in the last review that the stick is right out of the box ready to go, with no break in. The stick is still holding strong to that, and has lost no stiffness what-so-ever.

In addition, the stick is holding up really well. Just the other day I had a race to the puck, picked it up first, only to have a pretty good slash come down on the stick about 4 inches up from the heel of the blade. The force from the slash actually broke the other guys stick. The Blue Ice Nano Pro did not budge, no sign of wear, and I was able to get the puck up rink for some more time on attack. This later allowed me to share a few choice words after the play with the referee about a no call, only to be told if I say anything to him again that I would get a penalty.

So yeah, I would say the stick is holding up and it is letting me get in some quality time, instead of worrying about it breaking. That is a good stick right there.

Ending Notes:

I really have nothing bad to say about the stick, actually only positive words. In all honesty, this stick is not only a great buy for $105 US dollars, but it is a performance stick that is definitely worth getting. When you compare it to other price tags, the performance is right there, and the price is cut nearly in half.

Interested in the Blue Ice Nano Pro stick? Head on over to Blue Ice’s website for questions or orders, and make sure to let them know you heard about them from Hockey World Blog.


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