Bauer Supreme One.9 Skates

Update: The new Bauer Supreme One.9 skates have been released. If you’re picking up a pair, head over to Pure Hockey to snag them for $649.99. Use the coupon code HOCKEYWORLD while you’re there to save 10% on select products.

Replacing the Bauer Supreme One100 skate in April, 2012, will be the new Bauer Supreme One.9 skates. The Supreme One.9 skates will be second only to the Total One NXG, and will still carry the features expected by an advanced or pro level player.

Beginning with the quarter package, Bauer will continue to use their 3D anaformable composite upper, which is now called Curv. You may recognize its previous name more, as it was called the ALIVE composite in previous years. The materials themselves have not changed, simply the name of the brand.

Moving inside the boot, the Bauer Supreme One.9 skate is going to feature its hydrophobic clarino liner, which is made of synthetic leather. This liner has great moisture wicking properties, and will help to keep your liner dry during games or practice. The lightweight anaform fit foam ankle pads inside the boot are going to provide exceptional support, and provide less added weight than some of the anaform fit foam pads found in lower Supreme models.

The Supreme One.9 tongue will be an anatomical, 52 oz. two-piece felt tongue, just like what was featured in the One100. It will also have the same high density metatarsal guard to help protect against lace bite. Additional foot support will be found on the form-fit+ footbed, with stabilizer grip and Curv composite inserts.

Beneath the boot you’re going to find some more strong components which will make the Bauer Supreme One.9 one of the top skates on the market. The outsole will of course be a full lightweight composite and beneath that you’ll find a TUUK Lightspeed 2 holder with LS 2.1 Power stainless steel runner.

The Supreme One.9 skates will be another strong release from Bauer Hockey, and should be a hot seller for anyone with a Supreme foot looking to get into a new, high-end skate. As one of the top skates in the line, you can expect the Supreme One.9 skates to retail for around $599. Check out the Bauer Supreme One.9 skates below and let us know your thoughts.

Bauer Supreme One.9 Skates
Bauer Supreme One.9 Skates


  1. so it’s the same skate as the ONE95, only it’s made in China, not Canada and still has the same price as in 2008, sounds like a real steal

  2. so it looks like these skates also feature the total edge comfort at the top? or am i just seeing things i want to see..

  3. basically its the one100 boot with some of the total one features like the holes in the bottom of the boot for more moisture release and with an x60 tongue

  4. Do the one.9 have the four holes in the bottom of the boot like the totalones do? I know the one100 did not have that feature. Was hoping the one.9 were going to have them

  5. I own one80 (previous model) and bought this skate One.9 a month ago.
    They are not as deep (ankle depth) – didn’t feel it in the store,
    now figuring out how to lace them so it’s not affecting forward flex/game.
    Also noticed toe box is a bit narrower from one80.

  6. my son has the vapor x 5.0 because of the stiffness he needs so his feet dont go in. He likes the Limited ones of these can he get away with the one.6 or should he have the one.9? any suggestions

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