New may not be the best way to describe the St. Louis Blues jerseys for the upcoming season, so perhaps we’ll go with adjusted. Regardless, the Blues will be changing their look as they head into the new NHL season and what you see may remind you of Blues jerseys from years ago.
Most notably you’ll find that the yellow piping from last season’s jerseys, which have been around since 2007, has now been removed. Instead, it is replaced by thicker yellow stripes, much like you might remember from prior to 2007.
Additionally, you’ll notice that these new Blues jerseys feature the bottom stripes which had gone missing from 2007 to 2014. The new design offers a more traditional look, and our eyes are quite pleased with the change.
Check out the updated St. Louis Blues jerseys in the photos below and drop us a note in the comments with your thoughts on them! Do you like the change? Or did you prefer last season’s jerseys?
Best looking Blues jerseys since the early days of Brett Hull….