Bauer Vapor APX Hockey Stick Picture

Matt posted a while ago about the release of the new Bauer Vapor APX hockey stick. The stick will be accompanying the new Bauer Vapor APX skate set to release April 29th. Below are pictures of the new skates and the new Bauer Vapor APX stick. Hockey World Blog would like to thank Sarah for the heads up and sending the picture of the stick. Thanks Sarah.

I think we can all agree that the new Vapor line is definitely flashy. Add a few toe drags, maybe a snipe from time to time and you will definitely be turning some heads.

You can now pre-order the new Bauer Vapor APX stick from Inline and Ice Warehouse for only $249.99. The stick will begin shipping on October 6th.

Bauer Vapor APX Hockey Stick
Bauer Vapor APX Hockey Skate


  1. “Hmm, that’s gross.”

    Any word on the release date for this puppy? *crosses fingers and hopes that it comes out at the same time as the skates*

  2. No release date yet. Unfortunately it will not be when the skates come out next week. Keep checking back as we will update the post when we have a date for release.

    • I would believe it will be in the same ballpark of the TotalOne for weight, but with advances over the time between sticks, it might be slightly less. Nothing that drastic though. When we find out any details we will update you guys.

  3. I ordered my now-broken X:60 from My Bauer last year. I thought that the range of blade patterns, grip choices, colours etc. were pretty expansive. I loved the fact that I could get the corner tactile grip on a Vapor stick, not a fan of the stick-um.

    • How do you like that corner tactile grip? I was somewhat intrigued by that option.

      What end product did you go with? Color, blade, etc…?

  4. I love that grip, just where you need it on the corners and not sticky. I went with a 75 flex, P88 Kane curve, corner tactile grip, silver, and name on it. Loved it, love Vapor sticks as they suite my style of play.

    Only problem I had was blade durability, the blade broke near the end of the season after struggling on after the half-way mark, so hopefully the blade on the APX is a bit more durable because the rest of the benefits of the stick are too good o be dragged down by a weak blade.

  5. Is this stick gonna be relatively the same as the x60 or did they add something new to it cause from the picture it looks as if it’s got the same textreme pattern as the x60?

  6. Larger weave pattern like the Total One stick. Combination of Total One and the X:60 with some new technology put into it.

  7. just got the stick with the grip… i got it yesterday which was the day it came out. cant wait to try it out. it looks 10 times better in real life! they only have released it in kane and stamkos though so i got stamkos cause kane has the dumbest curve ever

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